You should include a picture of yourself preformin the massage, use one block colour then add black, have a clear headin and inside - many points about your massageHow to make a Massage Therapist advert tempting to people?
Well, I'm training to be an holistic therapist in a college, and in the windows of my room where I work, there is a poster of a woman who is naked, but she has a towel wrapepd around her waste and has her back to the camera, but shes turning her head towards the camera, like craning her neck, and smiling. Underneathe it all it says is ';Bring out your smile';. Its simple, but a lot of my clients who come to me for some help with anxiety have said they thought coming would help ';bring out their smile';. maybe just something simple like that :)
Please do not use this word for word, reword it in your own words.
Naming just a few benefits, a good massage, especially one that works into your muscles such as a deep tissue massage, can help alleviate back pain, enhance the immune system, exercise weak muscles, increase flexibility, lessen depression, improve circulation, and relieve tension. With all these benefits, the primary advantages can be summed up as reduced fatigue and increased energy.
You don't advertise massage. The best thing to do is figure out your target market and educate them as to the benefits of massage. You have to have a website for starters. Building a massage business is about building relationships. Get doctors and everyone to refer to you.
Let them know what sorts of massage you offer, i.e. Sports, Aromatherapy, Swedish, Indian Head etc. Also put on the prices and make sure that they know it is a legitimate business and not a knocking shop.
Put on some special offers such as a Loyalty Card scheme which will get you regular customers
Good luck
... massage includes happy ending...
discreet back entrance
Rub a tubby..
attractive semi naked people, sounds crude but it works its just what people want to see.
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